This video ( and its entire version) is the result of a research project for the contest "The nine secrets" Take notice, all playmobils movement and all the shots are assembled by the students.A hug and congratulations from here.
I´ve just come back from Burgos ,where I participated in an international symposium organized by talking about education and heritage.It was held in the "Casa del Cordón
The principal talk to my liking was that of Mr Yves Hanosset from Belgium, coordiantor of the program "Patrimoine à roulettes".He asked us questions ,he proposed experiments like tasting Belgian chocolate blindfolded and all to make us reflect, laughing, on heritage as a method of self discovery and discovery of others.
Olaia Fontal, professor at the University of Valladolid talked about the "Observatory of heritage education in Spain", and Alex Ibáñez ,from the University of Basque Country spoke about the past, present and future of ICT in education heritage.These were for my taste the best talks.
Delicious was the discovery that I was unaware of "The nine secrets" contest ,for students of 4º ESO, bachiller or vocational training in Castilla and León. We saw examples and adorable videos .The trailer which I opened this post ,has to do with this event , as I said. Here´s yet another gem worth seeing "Return" Impressive, isn´t it?
Another no so pleasant suprise I took from the Marceliano Santa María Museum .
A delightful place, a museum installed on the remains of the monastery of San Juan in the heart of Burgos and whose input is already suggestive.
We complain about the prices of the culture ,well, this place is free, is within walking distance and is virtually empty. I encourage you to visit it if you go to Burgos.It is next to the parish of San Lesmes next to the public library. Some might say that Marceliano Santa María has an outdate style for the time in which he painted.OK, but nobody can deny that he recreated scenes and landscapes from Burgos with extraordinary charm.
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