martes, 7 de enero de 2014


We are in a five stars hotel! are we crazy? what the hell are some of our students doing here? And ...what does a hotel have to do with the heritage for youth? 

There are many reasons for this post.I´m going to explain some to you, but if you want to know more,   visit the hotel´s website, is also available in English or the blog

 To introduce this to you; have you ever heard about the “fiesta” in Pamplona? About the Running of the Bulls or about Hemingway? This hotel has to do with all these things.


"The Gran Hotel la Perla is not just a luxury hotel", the receptionist, historian and our friendly tour guide Fernando Hualde Gállego explained in the second oldest hotel in Spain. To get luxury you just need money, probably a lot of money, but no money is needed to learn of the great history. And this hotel’s history is very close to the history of Pamplona. 

This is what made this visit so important. It is about much more than artistic heritage. Here we  keep in touch not only  with material and immaterial heritage, but with history.
The hotel works hard in order to investigate and spread its history. The staff has searched throughout the personal testimonies from people of the past decades before the restoration (in the year 2007) of documents from the hotel itself, newspaper archives, and so on.
The Hotel la Perla is “a pretty and intriguing story, in which bullfighters, musicians, politicians, athletes, kings, actors, writers, sculptors and all sorts of characters intermingle. All have put in their grain of sand; all have made it so that today we write the name of the hotel in golden letters.” said Fernando Hualde in his blog. 

Visiting this hotel is a way to thank and appreciate all of the effort, and once you visit you will not underestimate the great value of the story of a community. We have learned about Hemingway, his tastes, his personality, and his fondness for seeing the bullfighters…

I encourage you to visit the web and read the blog. And then, if you come to Pamplona, and wish to visit the hotel, do not hesitate.

Here you have a phone number 34948223000. and the e-mail address where you can find more information about guided tours inside the hotel….
You can also follow it on FaceBook and on twitter @Ghotellaperla

We hope to see you soon in Pamplona.
And if you want to know more about patrimonio para jóvenes, here you have our e-mail ; .

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