sábado, 3 de agosto de 2013


A partir del 9 de Agosto se representan en Lerma (Burgos) visitas teatralizadas nocturnas.
En medio de los calores de la meseta, se agradecen estas actividades a horas mas fresquitas. De todas formas, dejo aquí la dirección de un blog" extra dinámico", con información casi permanente sobre todo tipo de eventos, desde cuentacuentos, concursos de fotografía, las propias visitas teatralizadas y un largo etc. donde cada cual puede elegir según sus gustos.http://coordinarlanza.blogspot.com.es/ 
podeis visitar también www.citlerma.com
¡Buen mes de Agosto a todos desde patrimonio para jóvenes!

Some years ago, there was not much information we could make use of before travelling,but today there are loads and loads of sites where we can get information about trips.Perhaps so much that we can get lost and especially when talking about going abroad.
Here you have a great blog http://coordinarlanza.blogspot.com.es and also www.citlerma.com about festivals and cultural activities in the area called Arlanza (Burgos). We recommend that you take the dramatized tours in the barroque village of Lerma. But...ehhhh you can say...well, OK, I´m going but then what if I don´t know what to do there? what if I don´t understand anything?
Here you have some choices:
Go to an intensive spanish course or ask for help if you have a spanish friend.
Or you can as at a tourist office for information in English...
Or you can join the team of Patrimonio para jóvenes (heritage for youth) We´ll try to help you to understand what´s going on ,Spanish culture and our festivals patrimoniojovenes@gmail.com We are not only flamenco, siesta and sangría. Spain has a huge range of artistic activities waiting for you to discover.
Have a nice summer wherever you are and whatever your choice is for holidays!
Good luck and enjoy this video about Castilla and Leon  http://youtu.be/UqYKj3wIk10

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